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Auditions for the 2024-2025 Tower Choir will be conducted virtually. The deadline for submission is May 31, 2024 by 11:59 pm.

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Formed decades ago by Ralph E. Hartzell, and presently under the direction of Dr. Adam Zrust, the Northwest Tower Choir has a rich and varied history of outstanding choral performance and musical perfection marked by invitational appearances at a number of high respected conventions; for example, 与拜伦·米切尔(Byron Mitchell)在MMEA国家大会(1973年和1978年)上出场五次, 1996 with Richard Weymuth, and 2003 and 2010 with Stephen Town). Since 1999-2000, 该乐团已经为高中举办了100多场音乐会, colleges, universities, churches, institutions, and organizations in the states of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas; Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma; Ohio, Maryland, Washington, DC, and Indiana.

已经为学术团体/地区和州会议举办了九场同行评议/邀请音乐会, meetings, and symposia:

2009-2010学年,我受邀在密苏里音乐教育协会(MMEA)州大会和2010年3月的中美洲中世纪协会(MAMA)地区大会上演唱. In addition to these venues, 塔式合唱团在威斯敏斯特唱诗班学院(新泽西州)的校园里演出(2007年), Rhodes College (TN) (2003), University of Mississippi-Oxford (2003), University of Nebraska-Omaha (2002, 2000) and William Jewell College (2003).

乐团曾应邀为多个表演艺术系列演出:概念神学院表演艺术系列(概念修道院大教堂)(2003-2004/ 2003年秋季), St. Joseph Symphony Concert Series (St. 约瑟夫和和记棋牌娱乐)(2000-2001/ 2001年春季), 和基督社区“圆顶和尖塔音乐会系列”(独立), MO Temple) (1999-2000/Spring 2000).


The ensemble has produced one CD, 题为“博爱与爱:1999-2003年塔合唱团最佳作品”,的获奖作品《和记娱乐ios》. Randall Stroope, commissioned by Dr. Town for the Tower Choir (2003). 这首由“爱与爱”塔顶合唱团演唱的歌曲被收录在第二张CD中, titled "Passages: The Choral Works of Z. Randall Stroope, Volume 2" (2004).


塔合唱团每四年在春假期间进行一次巡回演出. During the 2005-2006 academic year, it traveled to the East Coast (Washington, DC, Annapolis, MD, and Manhattan, NY) on March 15-24; during the tour, it performed concerts at churches and high schools, 以及在华盛顿国家大教堂举办的同行评议音乐会.

The ensemble meets three times weekly (MWF) at 11-11.50 a.m. 试镜在秋季和春季学期开始前一周举行,任何感兴趣的学生都可以参加. Membership is based upon musical and vocal skills, rather than area of study, 虽然合唱团的大部分成员都是音乐专业/辅修专业,并获得了声乐表演奖项.


Dr. Adam Zrust

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